in Czech


Agreement between the Czech Geological Society and Czech National Committee for IGCP-UNESCO

(New standing rule of the Czech National Committee for IGCP-UNESCO)



A. The Czech National Committee for IGCP (International Geological Correlation Programme at UNESCO) is continuously active since 1972. Its status corresponds to national structures of UNESCO in all countries which accepted and signed this structure. This committee itself is not an independent juridical subject.

B. The activity of the Czech National Committee for IGCP affiliated with the Czech Geological Society has uncommercial character. The operations of the Committee are concentrated on co-ordination of the international geoscience projects on the territory of Czech Republic, as well as canvassing of sponsorships addressed to scientists, technicians, associations and organisation committees of scientific events in connection with the IGCP projects. The most significant goals are to support the organising of or active participation at IGCP conferences, or subsidy of relevant research and publication activities.

C. The Czech National Committee for IGCP applied for association with the Czech Geological Society on June 22, 1994 from two reasons: The Czech Geological Society has character of the independent legal/juridical subject and this Society has very good coverage of both Czech and Moravian (resp. Silesian) geological communities.

D. The Czech Geological Society, represented by its committee, recommended this association of the Czech National Committee for IGCP to the Czech Geological Society on June 22, 1994.

E. By the date of signature this Agreement, the Czech National Committee for IGCP is associated with the Czech Geological Society and can use also relevant denotation "the Czech National Committee for IGCP at the Czech Geological Society".


An agreement treating the inner relationships between the Czech National Committee for IGCP and the Czech Geological Society

1. On the base of this agreement, the committee of the Czech Geological Society associates the Czech National Committee for IGCP (composed of CGS members and IGCP-projects representatives) to the CGS and its committee in a sense of specialised body that is entitled and obliged according to the following articles.

2. The Czech National Committee for IGCP (CzNC IGCP) have to be composed primarily of representatives of current IGCP projects operating on the territory of Czech Republic. Real participation in the project is evaluated according to duly certified participation in, at least one, IGCP conference or publication. Any elected project representative may work in the CzNC IGCP until his project(s) ends, usually from three to six years. Such a representative must be recommended at least by 50% of the inland project workers. This representative must be qualified by a majority of them when results of this nomination are controversial or doubtful. If problems continue, the final nomination is on international leader(s) of the project. Representatives of the regional IGCP community elect the CzNC IGCP. Significant emeritus representatives of IGCP, superior IGCP or UNESCO officers (and other significant persons) may co-opted.

3. The chairman and secretary of the CzNC IGCP are elected within the Committee by majority of positive votes. They have three years mandate. Majority of committee members is necessary to relieve these chairpersons. The all representatives can abdicate any time. Vacancies must be solved by elections within the CzNC IGCP until three months from the announcement of abdication. Changes in chair positions of the CzNC IGCP are effective according to statement by the CGS Chairman. When the CzNC IGCP chair positions are unclear after three months, the CGS Chairman must suspend effectivness of this agreement until trustworthy occupation of these vacancies.

4. The CGS will add two separate sub-accounts for CzNC IGCP (domestic, foreign currency) at the same bank which conducts all other CGS accounts, until two months after signature of this agreement.

4.1. These sub-accounts are exclusively intended for unprofitable and uncommercial incomes and expenses of the CzNC IGCP at CGS. Domestic or foreign project leaders do not use these sub-accounts. These sub-accounts are not intended for management of finances even by the CGS itself.

4.2. The disposal of CzNC IGCP sub-account(s) is delegated to the Economist(Secretary) of the Czech Geological Society. She(he) can manipulate with these accounts only on the base of written order by CzNC IGCP. This order can sign only the Chairman or a person who has a certified power of attorney. Originals of orders are archived by the Economist(Secretary) of the CGS, copies of the orders are archived by the Chairman of the CzNC IGCP.

4.3. To preclude deficit spending, the Economist(Secretary) of the CGS can refuse any other payments or money transfers.

4.4. Amount at interest is the property of the CGS to compensate the administrative expenses by the CGS in connection with the CZNC IGCP activity.

5. The Economist(Secretary) of the CGS can co-operate only at the opportunity of joint CzNC IGCP – CGS correspondence. The correspondence related exclusively to activity of the CzNC IGCP must be paid from the relevant sub-accounts. Valid orders for postal expenses must be signed only by the Chairman of the CGS or the Chairman of the CzNC IGCP, respectively (or a person who has a certified power of attorney). The Chairman of the CGS (unrecallable decision) solves eventual conflicts.

6. The CzNC IGCP has no other financial requirements that can charge a budget of the CGS. Both the relationships related to bank sub-accounts and postal expenses have been treated in paragraphs 4 and 5.

7. Economy of any joint projects between the CzNC IGCP and CGS must be treated using the internal agreements. These internal agreements have to be discussed in both the committees and signed by both chairmen of the CzNC IGCP and CGS, respectively.

8. Conversely, the CzNC IGCP can provide a single subsidy to CGS, if allied uncommercial budgets allow this. The purpose of this subsidy must be relevant to IGCP goals. Such step must be documented by detailed statement and signed by the above mentioned chairmen.


An agreement treating the delimitation in cases denouncement, nullity or invalidity of the basic arrangement between the CzNC IGCP and CGS

1. The agreement between the CzNC IGCP and CGS would be withdrawn by any of the partners. The both committees agreed that the requirements and liabilities expire three months after the date of denouncement.

2. After these three months, the sub-accounts of the CzNC IGCP must be frozen until the final order signed by the Chairman of the CzCN IGCP is delivered. Based on this written order, the Economist(Secretary) of the CGS will transfer the entire remaining sum of the CzNC IGCP finances to a new account, according to new affiliation of the CzNC IGCP and new agreements. Certified documents about new status are required, but the transfer must be realised not later than three weeks after the date of delivery of these certified documents. If the period of uncertainty exceeds one year, the CGS must remit the money to the Czech National Committee for UNESCO at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic. If the CzNC UNESCO did not wish to accept this remaining finances (confirmation is necessary), this sum would fall to the CGS. The amount at interest (minus taxes) is property of the CGS, even during the times when sub-accounts would be, from the above-mentioned reasons, frozen (cf. paragraph No. 4.4).

This agreement consists of preamble (I), an agreement about inner relationships between CzNC IGCP and CGS (II) and an agreement concerning the delimitation in case of denouncement (III). The Agreement was printed and signed in four specimens (in Czech version). Two specimens of this Agreement are archived by both Chairmen.

Date and place: October 10, 1994, in Prague     

Chairman of the Czech Geological Society: Frantisek VESELOVSKY

Chairman of the Czech National Committee for IGCP: Jan PASAVA

Czech Geological Society, V Holesovickach 41, 18 209 Praha 8



Smlouva o vztazich mezi Ceskou geologickou spolecnosti a Ceskym narodnim komitetem pro IGCP-UNESCO

(nové stanovy Ceskeho narodniho komitetu pro IGCP-UNESCO)


Preambule smlouvy

A. Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP (mezinarodni geologicke korelacni programy pri UNESCO) je souvisle cinny od r.1972. Jeho postaveni odpovida narodnim strukturam UNESCO ve vsech zemich, ktere tuto strukturu akceptovaly a signovaly. Tento organ nema pravni subjektivitu.

B. Cinnost Ceskeho narodniho komitetu pro IGCP pridruzeneho k Ceske geologicke spolecnosti ma nekomercni charakter. Je zamerena na koordinaci praci mezinarodnich geologickych programu v CR a na ziskavani a poskytovani financnich podpor vedeckym badatelum, technikum , sdruzenim a akcim resicim a podporujicim IGCP-projekty. Mezi profilujici smery patri podpora ucasti na konferencich nebo podpora vyzkumne a publikacni cinnosti.

C. Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP pozadal dne 22. cervna 1994 o pridruzeni k Ceske geologicke spolecnosti - k organizaci, ktera pravni subjektivitu ma a ktera reprezentuje celou siri ceske a moravske geologicke obce.

D. Ceska geologicka spolecnost reprezentovana jejim vyborem doporucila dne 22. cervna 1994 pridruzeni Ceskeho narodniho komitetu pro IGCP k Ceske geologicke spolecnosti.

E. Podpisem smlouvy je Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP priclenen k Ceske geologicke spolecnosti a muze pouzivat oznaceni "Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP pri Ceske geologicke spolecnosti".


Smlouva upravujici vnitrni vztahy mezi Ceskou geologickou spolecnosti a priclenenym Ceskym narodnim komitetem pro IGCP

1. Vybor Ceske geologicke spolecnosti priclenuje na zaklade teto smlouvy Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP, slozeny z clenu CGS a zaroven zastupcu jednotlivych projektu IGCP pusobicich v CR, k Ceske geologicke spolecnosti a to k jejimu vyboru, jako odbornou komisi s nasledne vymezenymi pravy a povinnostmi.

2. Cesky narodni komitet pro IGCP (dale jen CNK-IGCP) bude slozen vyhradne z reprezentantu aktualnich IGCP projektu, jejichz pracovnici pusobi na uzemi CR. Pro posouzeni ucasti na projektu je pritom rozhodujici alespon jedna prukazna ucast na konferenci nebo publikaci daneho projektu. Zastupce konkretniho IGCP projektu pusobi v CNK-IGCP po dobu existence projektu (tj. obvykle 3 az 6 let). Tento zastupce musi byt doporuceny nejmene polovinou, v pripade nerozhodnosti pak nadpolovicni vetsinou pracovniku projektu v CR. Neni-li mozno rozhodnout ani pak, rozhoduje doporuceni mezinarodniho vedouciho prislusneho projektu IGCP. CNK-IGCP muze kooptovat tez emeritni pracovniky IGCP nebo cleny vyssich urovni struktury IGCP nebo UNESCO (ci jine vyznamne osobnosti).

3. Predseda a sekretar jsou voleni CNK-IGCP a to nadpolovicni vetsinou vsech clenu komitetu, s platnosti mandatu na 3 roky. Nadpolovicni vetsina komitetu ma pravo kdykoliv tyto reprezentanty odvolat. Zaroven maji tito reprezentanti pravo kdykoliv pozadat komitet o uvolneni. Uvolnene pozice musi byt volbou uvnitr CNK-IGCP zaplneny nejpozdeji do 3 mesicu od takoveto zmeny. Zmena v pozici predsedy a sekretare CNK-IGCP je platna az tehdy, je-li o teto skutecnosti informovan predseda CGS. Nebudou-li obe tyto pozice obsazeny, pak CGS pozastavi ucinnost dalsich bodu teto smlouvy az do opetovneho obsazeni pozic predsedy a sekretare CNK-IGCP.

4. Ceska geologicka spolecnost zridi do dvou mesicu od podpisu teto smlouvy pro CNK-IGCP oddelene korunove a devizove sub-konto a to u teze banky, u ktere vede konto svoje.

4.1. Toto subkonto je urceno vyhradne pro prostredky ziskane nebo vynalozene CNK-IGCP. Sub-konto neni urceno pro hospodareni jednotlivych ukolu IGCP, at jiz jsou vedeny obcanem CR nebo cizozemcem. Sub-konto neni tez urceno pro hospodareni samotne CGS.

4.2. Kontem disponuje sekretar(ka)-hospodar(ka) CGS, ale pouze na zaklade pisemneho prikazu k vyplate nebo prevodu castky. Takovyto prikaz je zmocnen podepsat pouze predseda CNK-IGCP, nebo osoba jim k tomu zplnomocnena na zaklade pisemne plne moci. Originaly prikazu k vyplate archivuje sekretar(ka)-hospodar(ka) CGS, kopie techto prikazu archivuje predseda CNK-IGCP.

4.3. V pripade, ze by subkonto CNK-IGCP melo byt deficitni, ma pravo sekretar(ka)-hospodar(ka) CGS, odmitnout jakekoliv dalsi vyplaty nebo financni prevody.

4.4. Za vedeni konta a agendu s spojenou s vyplatou, prevodem castek, archivaci, kontrolou kontaktu a spravnosti nalezi CGS kazdorocne castka ve vysi rovnajici se rocnimu uroku na konte po odecteni dane z uroku.

5. Sekretar(ka)-hospodar(ka) CGS muze kooperovat na korespondencnich akcich CNK-IGCP v pripade, jde-li o spolecny zajem CGS a CNK-IGCP. Korespondence, ktera je ciste v zajmu CNK-IGCP a rozesilana pres CGS, musi byt hrazena vyberem ze sub-konta CNK-IGCP pri CGS. Obe tyto situace je zmocnen posoudit pouze vybor nebo predseda CGS. Prikaz k vyberu na postovne je zmocnen dat sekretari(rce)-hospodari(rce) CGS pouze predseda CNK-IGCP, nebo osoba jim zmocnena na zaklade pisemne plne moci.

6. CNK-IGCP nema financni pozadavky, ktere by zatizily hospodareni CGS. Otazky bankovniho sub-konta a otazky korespondencniho styku jsou upraveny v bodech smlouvy c. 4 a 5.

7. Hospodareni pripadnych akci poradanych CGS i jejim CNK-IGCP spolecne, musi byt vzdy upraveno jednotlivou vnitrni dohodou, projednanou vyborem CGS a komitetem pro IGCP, podepsanou predsedou CGS a predsedou CNK-IGCP.

8. Bude-li financni moznost poskytnout jednorazovy mimoradny prispevek pro prace CGS, majici za cil rozvoj praci pro IGCP, pak musi tento prispevek byt, tak jako jine naklady spojene s cinnosti CNK-IGCP pri CGS, zduvodnen a podepsan predsedou CNK-IGCP.


Smlouva upravujici vyporadani pri vypovezeni smlouvy mezi CGS a CNK-IGCP

1. Smlouva o pridruzeni CNK-IGCP k CGS muze byt vypovezena z jedne nebo druhe smluvni strany. Obe strany se dohodly, ze k zaniku smluvnich prav a povinnosti dojde az 3 mesice po pisemnem vypovezeni teto smlouvy z jedne nebo druhe strany.

2. Po uplynuti 3 mesicni lhuty musi byt sub-konto CNK-IGCP zmrazeno a to az do doby prevodu vedenych castek na konto urcene pisemnym prikazem predsedy CNK-IGCP. Na zaklade tohoto pisemneho prikazu predsedy CNK-IGCP je povinnen sekretar(ka)-hospodar(ka) CGS prevest na urcenou bankovni adresu celou castku sub-konta CNK-IGCP a to do tri tydnu. Obdobi pripadneho zmrazeni sub-konta nesmi presahnout jeden rok. Presahne-li toto obdobi jeden rok, pak CGS prevede celou castku na Cesky narodni komitet pro UNESCO pri Ministerstvu zahranicnich veci CR. Nebude-li tato moznost prokazatelne CNK-UNESCO pri MZV CR akceptovana, pak obsazena castka propada ve prospech CGS jako celku. Po dobu pripadneho zmrazeni(=nepouzivani) sub-konta patri CGS stale sjednana smluvni odmena ve vysi uroku, po odecteni dane z uroku (viz bod smlouvy 4.4.).

Tato smlouva se sklada z preambule (I), smlouvy o vnitrnich vztazich (II) a smlouvy o vyporadani pri zaniku teto smlouvy mezi CGS a CNK-IGCP (III). Smlouva je vyhotovena ve ctyrech exemplarich, z nichz kazda smluvni strana obdrzi dva exemplare.

Datum a misto podpisu smlouvy: 5.10.1994, Praha

Predseda Ceske geologicke spolecnosti: Frantisek VESELOVSKY

Predseda Ceskeho nar. komitetu pro IGCP-UNESCO: Jan PASAVA

Ceska geologicka spolecnost, V Holesovickach 41, 18209 Praha 8